Friday, September 23, 2011

To your knowledge, have the Superman comics ever even attempted to explain the stupidity of EVERYONE?

Clark Kent literally just takes off his glasses and changes clothes and NO ONE even SUSPECTS he's Superman though they look exactly the same.

I mean, honestly, how stupid is everyone in that universe?|||If you're super, it stands to reason that you can also slightly alter your facial muscles enough to throw doubt into anyone's mind.

If I recall correctly, in the comics, Supes did have a supply of robot Superman doubles that he could

use in situations where both Superman and Clark Kent needed to both be seen together.

Suspicions raised by mere resemblance were dashed on the spot.

Add to that that Clark's face is pretty average and common-looking, et voila!|||In a superman comic in the late 1970's, they revealed that Superman uses subliminal hypnosis to make people think that he looks older, smaller, and less attractive as Clark Kent. This hypnosis is enabled by the Kryptonian lenses in his glasses.

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|||In the world of comics, everyone is stupid.

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