Friday, September 16, 2011

Is anyone else mad that their rebooting the Superman film franchise?

Like The Incredible Hulk, and Batman Begins they are revamping Superman. I find this very upsetting because I loved Superman Returns. I hope they do a good job though, and don't try to make Superman dark.|||It would be a shame if they did go the "dark" route, because it would violate everything that Superman is.

I thought "Superman Returns" was pretty hit-and-miss, however. Good basic plot, great villain, but Lois Lane was horribly miscast and that stupid kid needs to GO. |||Honestly, I think their a film behind on the revamp. Superman Returns should have stood alone and not been tied back to the 80's franchise.

as for 'Dark', You can only go so dark with a man who wears primary colored spandex and a Cape in public. But I think Darker is exactly what Superman needs to be after Returns violated so much of Canon, and cut and pasted so much of the old Reeve Films.

If you think about it, Superman should Brood. He's the orphan of his entire planet, his human family consisted of two people (and depending on your source material era, one or both of the is dead before he suits up).

He has the powers of a borderline God, yet he hides out as a guy who'd get beat up by Steve Urkel,

And the One woman whom Clark/Superman Loves more than anything on this Planet, treats him like a doormat as Clark, and a piece of meat as Superman. I'm sorry but if the stress of a dual life isn't hard enough on the mind that'd make any one a little confused.

while by no means should he make Batman look normal, He needs to be something more than he was in Returns

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